The purpose of this site is to document the history of swedish kendo during the 20th century, i.e. 1965-1999.
The site mainly contains documentation in swedish. However there is still a large number of documents related to international activities and correspondence.
To find lists of different things go to Listor.
To search go to Arkiv.
Under Arkiv you have the ability to search all documents.
For documents in english you can use e.g. EKF, IKF, ZNKR, EKC, WKC. The site has all the programs from WKC and EKC from 1970 to 1999.
Over the time it is planned to add english translations for some texts, mainly from the 1960s that could have historical significance outside Sweden. For translated texts use EIGO in the search box.
There are some collections of pictures you will find them by using PIC. E.g. all picture files from the 1970s: use 197 and PIC
If you have comments and/or questions regarding specific documents please feel free to use the comments function.
At the bottom of the Arkiv page there is a link to a page where files are sorted after date entered into the database, i.e. you can see the last files entered first.